Secure Your Loans with Credit Life and Credit Disability
MEMBER’S CHOICE® Credit Life & Disability Insurance helps give you the security of knowing repayment won’t be left to loved ones should something happen to you. Credit Life and Credit Disability benefits:
- Immediate coverage for eligible members
- Choosing the insurance that helps to give you peace of mind
- Complements existing insurance
Ask your credit union Loan Officer for full benefits and details! If you prefer, please call 1-800-682-8688 or visit Telco Credit Union.
GAP Insurance
There could be a big difference between what your insurance will pay and what you owe on your loan.
Most cars depreciate by thousands of dollars as soon as they are purchased. Unfortunately, if your vehicle is stolen, accidentally damaged beyond repair, or otherwise declared as a total loss, you are liable to pay the difference, or the “gap” between your insurer’s settlement and your loan balance. That gap will come out of your pocket for a vehicle that, for all practical purposes, no longer exists.
Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) could save you thousands of dollars.
GAP helps pays the potentially high-cost difference between your insurance settlement and your loan balance on items directly related to the purchase of your vehicle.
GAP is fully refundable if you cancel the coverage within the first 90 days.
Make sure you fill in the GAP!
Protect vehicle investment against a possible financial loss. Contact your loan officer for more information about the benefits of GAP!